Understanding the process
Trust the message
You are about to take the most important session of your life. There are no coincidences you are reading this now.
This is a time for your own wellness.
These are general recommendations prior to any of the offering sessions.
Preparation for the session is very important. Claudia will explain to you the process, but bear in mind the following:
It is important to come to the session relaxed and without expectations.
Just allowing yourself and being ready to have a wonderful experience. Be open-minded and enjoy the feeling of safety and relaxation.
For the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Session, it is important to bring a list of approximately eight questions you would like to ask your higher self.
What would you ask a divine part of you?
Food and beverages
It is important that 48 hrs prior to the session, you eat light and avoid alcoholic beverages and if it is possible caffeine.
Drink a lot of water the day before.
Sleep well
Sleep well the night prior to the session and if you mediate some days before even better, although no meditation skills are required.